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  • Writer's picturePriyanka Telang

Jervis Bay - How to plan a trip to World's whitest beaches?

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

How to get most of the fun out of a crappy weather in a beautiful destination?

A road-trip to world’s whitest beaches at Jervis Bay, New South Wales, in June 2018 long weekend, with my random friends. When, most of the ppl cancelled their plan due to weather forecast. Rains all three days. We had similar mindset but nonetheless planned it, at the end. Here I am telling you, how a depressing weather made us connect more and have loads of fun. One of the best trips, I have had in Australia, well the rain can spoil the scenery but not our enthu. Don’t miss the video later in the blog😉.

While everyone is holidaying this Easter, for the first time in my life, I am taking a break from Holidays. Why? I have so much data accumulated I need to retrospect. In my free time I was just browsing thru my old albums and found Jervis bay. I thought well how come I never wrote anything about, one of the fantastic trips and also a great location, so here is me narrating the story of our group’s spirit for celebrating a Holiday.

Well we all long for a long weekend, its kind of an extra perk, a bonus which is gifted, when all of the friends can take break same time without having to apply any leaves, and go thru dramas. Well the side effects are that long weekends are always expensive to plan, until you have booked months ago, which mostly never happens in my case, yeah life is uncertain and not everything can be planned much in advance.

Therefore, we discussed in our WhatsApp group all agreed for Jervis bay, we were 4, I, Mohit, Vasu and Vishal. We decided to get more ppl for fun so, I called my old friends from Infy, Yash and Anjali. Yash said he has plans to visit Gold Coast or something, so we were just 5. Vasu and Vishal had one car so 5 could easily fit in, all was ok. Mohit booked an Airbnb, we planned the itinerary, and all good to go.

A day before the trip, Yash called again and said his trip is cancelled because of the weather forecast so he is available now. However, we had one car. yeah, I had a Captiva too, but since Karishma and I bought it together, it was rarely with me.

I called Hanish and arranged for the car this time at least this long weekend I would need it. It was 7-seater, so all could adjust in one car. I called up excitedly that the car is done, Yash can come, we will go in my car, but Vishal bought his car recently, some high-class old Volvo and he wanted to drive too. So we collaborated and took both the cars.

A night before the trip

Friday night we had full party at my house, and Vishal had to leave his car and go by cab, Next day we went to pick them up from their home. Anjali and Yash were already staying at my home since Friday evening, I prepared tea at home, and we have got all the groceries from Woolworths to cook in our self-catering accommodation.

It was me, Anjali and Yash in my car, and Vasu, Vishal and Mohit in their car.

The Journey begins

We hit the road with heavy clouds and thunderstorms and a storm of excitement within us.

Our first stop was at Bald hill point, Stanwell tops, where GPS again fooled us and we ended in a private property. Finally, we went to Bald hill, completely surrounded by clouds, it was difficult to distinguish between the clouds and the sea, everything was grey but still beautiful.

It was my first visit there, after that I have seen it several times in beautiful weather, one is covered in my figure 8 pools trip as well. We took a short coffee break while waiting for Vishal’s car to arrive. I opened my Thermos with pride and served tea to my fellas, ah! the sip of a ginger tea in a rainy weather is nothing less than a delight.

The songs were playing, the wind was rhyming and we were thumping. We stopped at Helen’s berg by that time I was hungry, these guys have already told me so many times about the great food there that, I already had my bile juices running. But I am always tricked when I dream too much, the canteen closed at 01:00 and no food, a hell of disappointment. When I am hungry, I am an angry bird. So, I started calling these guys we need to make a stop I am hungry and all.

StanWell Tops - Bald Hill

Our next stop was Nantein temple, it was a beautifully landscaped Buddhist temple, with all good vibes inside, we roamed around, it had several sections, exploring it whole could take half a day in itself. We enjoyed the most of it in drizzle and then ended up in restaurant, where the food was vegetarian and helped calm my growling stomach for some time.


We continued for Kiama, one of the most loved road trip in NSW, Australia. Along with t he usual coastal line which is offered by majorly all places in Australia, it has an extraordinary landscape, lined by Pine trees, Kiama is a complete trip in itself and loads of ppl travel to Kiama on weekend. I might write a separate blogpost for that one. While it was raining, we picked our umbrellas and enjoyed walking the beautiful landscape.


On our way, Vasu found a town called Berry’s it was like an old British village with loads of ppl and beautiful restaurants around. We were walking shop to shop, while Vasu also bought some stuff for her. Then we noticed a long queue, we wondered what is at the other end, and spotted a small donut shop.

The length of the queue was a testimonial for itself, so this is got to be awesome. Vishal and Mohit also got in the line, everyone ordered one donut I asked for two. I knew, if it was good enough, I just couldn’t resist having another so its two for me. I was so damn right, later everyone was looking at my second donut with lust.

We did some great photography around this town, Vasu found a junk cycle hanging over a tin wall and pointed, it could be a great photo spot and we girls posed, while these guys were waiting in line. Finally, we showed the photos to Mohit and then it was hard to stop him as well. For one week all 3 of us, had same kind of DP in FB with same background.

We reached our destination around 7 Pm, the day was over and the night has just begun, means loads of time for a party.

The Night of celebration

It was a cozy vintage cottage, with two rooms. Mostly old furniture and kitchen appliances, but the best part was the backyard, we all got thrilled to see the backyard, perfect place for a beautiful evening.

We prepared some snacks, me vegetarian while Mohit kept dragging about his great chicken cooking skills. Then fellas there was dance, and drama and loads of bromance between all of us.

We were glad and the place was radiant with positive energy and lively music. I being an early sleeper retired to my bed around 12:00 while Mohit kept talking until 02:00, and then completely disturbed us with his heavy snoring, until I have to get up and had to ask him to move out.

DAY 2- The encounter at our backyard

Next day, I got up early, Yash helped me clean the mess we created last night and prepared tea.

Slowly everyone was up, and we girls walked to the backyard with tea in our hands. I was completely bitten by the greens and the fresh scent of air until I turned my head and saw a huge bunch of Kangaroos, they were just there like it was nothing, while for me my eyes were set on a great country wildlife, an experience I would have never imagined. I was in trance and I started running back to the cottage, the boys were puzzled at my hyper run, and I shouted there are Kangaroos where is my Camera. I got hold of my camera and run back and looked like they got scared of my running, and shifted a distance I had to wait patiently for their arrival again.

After taking some satisfying shots, we walked towards the dense wood and peeped at the neighbor’s backyard, which was no less than a Mediterranean haven. We admired the décor, while walking in to the woods and discovered a back water with some wild birds. Again, a wildlife pleasure for eyes.

My morning has already made my day, so we got ready with high energy for Hyams beach.

I reached 15 mins earlier than Vasu and Vishal and we waited for them in car for 5 mins. But could see the conditions were preparing again for a huge rain so we ran out of car and did some walking around the most beautiful beach, I have ever set my foot on. I wish it wasn’t that cold, I wouldn’t have mind a dip in to the transparent water. Just in 5 mins it started raining and we had to rush back to our cars.

We cursed the weather a little but then soon started enjoying our journey with music. Today we haven’t decided where to go as the weather was not in our favor, so on the way we were randomly searching for places and we saw a board for Curburra beach and headed there.

It had a nice lookout, offering amazing views the weather was quite for a while however the wind was wild. Since there was not much to do because of rains, we decided to sit in a pub at the town.

When we reached, most of the things were closed, to our disappointment. While walking, we came across a park, where the vibe was festive. It was an Easter fest meant for children, and the child in all of us, was awaken. There were cute little counters, for activities and ice-creams. One thing that particularly attracted us, was a small wooden Cabin/Caravan which was designed as a cartoon with legs, eyes and face. The guys at the counter were very friendly and told us this is a story telling caravan and we tell children stories. This got us all interested, we had to sit inside this welcoming little space and put our headphones on and enjoy the story.

We all lined up for this, ppl was wondering as what these adults are doing here but we were shameless. We enjoyed the fest thoroughly although it was dripping and finally left for our cozy place.

The best time we had was in our AIRBNB home, where the backyard was so inviting and pleasing that it was hard to not celebrate the night. Our energies were completely un-exhausted and we were ready to rock n roll the night.

DAY 3: Last day of the trip

Our last day here, and already we were feeling bad, the rain had not impacted our happiness at all, it had actually turned a blessing last day. But today was sunny and we intended to explore the place.

Our first place was caves beach, Vasu and Vishal had already visited all these places and were guiding us. Once there, we were welcomed by a bunch of Kangaroos eagerly peeping in to our car windows asking for feasts.

We walked till caves beach accompanied by Kangaroos and made a stop for Caves beach lookout. What a spell of nature, a layer of greens, then a layer of sand, followed be a layer of shallow grey sea, then deep blue sea and the horizon, a breathtaking painting by nature.

The mood from our last night celebration had brought all of us closer, and we were appreciating every moment. We walked in to the sand of caves beach and I proposed a Bollywood dance session, that time Tareefan was the popular song, the movie was just released and it was played over and over in our journey, we planned to dance on that.

We asked Mohit to do the moves for boy, he refused. Yash agreed sportingly and we three girls stood in a setting. Nothing was choregraphed, the purpose was fun not presentation.

I asked girls to follow me since the music was not going to reach any of us, we just had to copy one , so that we look in synch. Mohit was video shooting us holding mobile with song in one hand near the mobile which was shooting. He was at a distance and we were not hearing any music. For us it was all going on gut feeling, and his thumb action. We were not matching the lyrics, but it was hilarious and fun. Yash had to make an entry and he was way out of frame. Mohit couldn’t speak up, as it would have been in the video so he gestured. I saw him and asked Yash to enter. Later he danced all on his feelings and it was so fun, he was not even moving out after his part, I had to push him away while dancing and it looks so funny at the end in the video. We had many other videos shot randomly.

We saw this video, over and over again and laughed our lungs out. The rain started pouring again, while we left for Murray’s beach our last destination. On the way I saw a sign for botanical garden and we all decided to visit the place as anyway it was raining and we had plenty of time. Mohit was against the idea, majorly me and Mohit are always in argument it was nothing new. We started walking while arguing in rain.

There was a shade of green everywhere and the shower has saturated the colors more. While we walked inside, we saw beautiful mushrooms, landscape and flowers. Me and Anjali started walking ahead, Mohit stood in the shed. They were waiting for Vasu and Vishal as they, lost the way. On our quest to explore the place we came at a hidden oasis in that place. A beautiful pond with white sands surrounded by the forest. It was a surprise site and delighted me a lot.

Finally, all of our friends joined us. This was a site for photo shoot. We clicked some nice pictures and while talking discovered the voice echoed. Then I did some rounds of trial with my favorite song to test echoes “Dil se Re”.

Murray’s beach

After a long walk in the forest, suddenly a sight of paradise opens out of nowhere. You can’t see the beach from anywhere until you walk and cross this trail of woods.

I had never seen any beach so beautiful, white and untouched. There was no one, since we arrived late and the place was kind of private to us. Everyone was in trance at this spot. We all chose a place and sat there looking at the waves and sound.

Me and Anjali walked the whole edge of the beach, there was amazing rocky terrain and one turn was not visible from another it was kind of a circle with the rock walls, so the other end is not visible until you reach a certain point. After spending some soulful moments, we left, for Sydney. This trip had the longest hangover and during work, we kept discussing about it for weeks. No wonder, we understood

“Good food, good company, great listening music and a wonderful atmosphere. You can't ask for anything better.”

Its not the weather, places, or comfort that make moments, its good company and sometimes combination of all of it. The Glimpse of our trip in a video with all the entertainment.

Our itinerary, for this trip is as below for quick reference:

Day 1:

1. Bald hill – Stanwell’s top

2. Helensberg temple – a beautiful South Indian Temple on the way which has great canteen for food.

3. Nantein temple- the largest Buddhist Temple in the Southern Hemisphere

4. Kiama beach – one of the most beautiful drives goes thru sea link road.

5. Berry town – wasn’t in the initial plan but was a good spot for break as we had one of the best donuts ever.

6. Stay in 96 Sanctuary point, Jervis Bay

DAY 2:

1. Hyams Beach

2. Culburrah Beach

Day 3:

3. Caves beach

4. Booderee Botanic Gardens

5. Murray’s beach – world’s whitest beach

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Vivek Sharma
Vivek Sharma
Sep 15, 2019

Great Pics

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